10 Foods That Help Prevent Cancer

3. Berries

Dark and rich hued berries, such as Acai berries, Brazilian berries, cranberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are brimming with protective phytochemicals that aid the body in preventing and eliminating several kinds of cancers. A recent study revealed that acai berries are brimming with active ingredients that are capable of destroying cancerous cells.

Muscadine grapes and blueberries are packed with natural compounds that trigger self-destruction amongst the cancerous cells present within the liver. Several researches have examined the effects of cranberries amongst women, and the results revealed that they are most powerful super foods to fight against the symptoms and growth of ovarian cancer, one of the deadliest types of cancers.

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Another research attempted to study the effects of cranberries upon the ovarian cancer cells that had become resistant to the effects of platinum chemotherapy, which is the most common treatment. Results revealed that a natural compound present in cranberries caused the ovarian cancer cells to become six times more receptive and sensitive to the treatment after its daily consumption over a specific period of time.

Berries are brimming with potently powerful anti-cancer profiles, and several medicinal experts have created finely concentrated products, such as supplements, concentrates and purees. However, you must consult your doctor before investing in such products.

4. Green Tea

Green is brimming with incredibly healthy plant-based antioxidants, catechins, which were the very first natural chemicals examined for their powerful anti-cancer profiles. They not only prevent several kinds of cancers, primarily breast, but they also prevent and reduce the chances of their recurrence.

Research reveals that EGCG, a chemical found in green tea, prevents and eliminates the growth of breast cancer tumors, and all you need is two or more cups every day to experience these beneficial results.

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5. Red Wine

Research reveals that red wine is the most concentrated and powerful source of a potent antioxidant, called resveratrol, even greater than the quantity found in grapes or grape juice. Several studies have attempted to examine the anti-cancer properties of resveratrol, and the results reveal that it is beneficial in preventing and eliminating several kinds of cancers.

A recent study validated the claim that resveratrol aids the body in reducing and preventing the growth of abnormal cells, which lead to several kinds of breast cancers. You see, the development of estrogen is one of the most prevalent causes that contribute to breast cancers, and resveratrol prevents this by blocking the actions of estrogen and stopping estrogen from feeding the growth of tumors.

Another study revealed that a daily diet comprising of resveratrol reduces the risk factors that contribute to the development of the deadliest prostate tumors by an astounding 87%. However, a higher intake of alcoholic beverages also contributes to the development of cancer, especially esophageal and breast cancers.

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Therefore, it is ideal that you limit yourself to no more than one glass of wine every day. More importantly, if you are suffering from breast or esophageal cancers, it is advisable for you to take a resveratrol supplement instead of red wine. Be sure to consult your doctor before investing in a supplement.

6. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous veggies, like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and others, are brimming with an impressive profile of essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Several studies have directly linked the consumption of broccoli with reduced signs and enhanced prevention against prostate cancer. It not only aids in eliminating the early symptoms of prostate cancer, but also, it prevents and reduces the growth of tumors.

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7. Soy

Soy is a powerhouse of nutrient, and it contains a natural phytoestrogen, called genistein, an active ingredient that shields the body against the development and spread of hormone-dependent cancers. It is brimming with massive doses of several proteins that are highly essential in prevent the uncontrollable growth of cancerous cells.

Research reveals that it is essential to consume at least 50 grams of soy every day in order to experience the anti-cancer effects of this superfood. We recommend you to add tofu, Edamame, fresh raw soybeans and dry or roasted soybeans to your daily diet.

A word of caution, steer clear of supplements that contain isoflavones, as they don’t exhibit the same beneficial results as soybeans, and they tend to do more harm than good.

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8. Turmeric

This yellow-hued spice is one of the oldest and most beneficial traditional spices of Indian Ayurveda and ancient Chinese medicine. It is used in several succulent Indian curries and other Asian cuisines, along with reliving the symptoms of several chronic ailments, such as cancer. Research reveals that turmeric contains a potently powerful active agent, curcumin that is a highly effective antioxidant, and aids in preventing the development of cancerous tumors at all stages of cancer.

Several researches have highlighted the effects of curcumin in reducing and preventing the growth of tumors and cancerous cells. It is indeed the easiest anti-cancer remedy as you don’t need to devour large quantities to experience positive results, and you can easily add a teaspoon to your regular meals, casseroles, soups, stews and salads. It can also be devoured in pastas, grilled recipes, meat, and teas.

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However, it is highly essential to consult your doctor before taking a turmeric supplement or adding huge quantities of this spice to your daily diet as research reveals that it has a tendency to interfere with the effectiveness of certain anti-cancer medications.

9. Garlic

Garlic has been renowned for its anti-cancer benefits for hundreds of years, and it has made ground-breaking developments in reducing the symptoms of digestive cancers. Research reveals that garlic provides protection and prevention against all kinds of cancers, particularly digestive, prostate and breast cancers.

A recent study attempted to examine its anti-cancer properties after analyzing the results of 7 large-scale population researches. The results revealed that individuals who consumed cooked and raw garlic every day, experienced sharp declines in the risk factors contributing to colorectal and stomach cancers.

Another study revealed that middle aged women who consumed garlic every day cut down their risk for developing colon cancer by a whopping 50%.

Research reveals that garlic is brimming with two potent active ingredients, allyl sulfur and allicin, which aid the body in preventing and eliminating cancer. Start adding fresh garlic cloves, chopped, or finely grounded garlic to your regular recipes, casseroles, salads, soups, stews and grilled meats, it will not only enhance the nutrient density of your meals but it will also give your food a succulent aromatic taste.

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Medical experts believe that garlic must be left aside after peeling and chopping because this procedure triggers the potency of its active compounds.

You can also consume garlic in the form of supplements, however, be sure to find out enteric-coated capsules as they are essential to ensure that the active ingredients are intact.

10. Spinach & Watercress

Americans don’t exactly adore devouring watercress, but they must put these comfort pleasures aside and take a look at its nutrient-dense profile, which is enough to convince them of its countless benefits. A recent study revealed that individuals who eat watercress every single day shield their DNA from damage that causes cancer.

Moreover, several studies have highlighted the effects of antioxidants found in watercress and other green veggies in preventing the attacks of free radicals that damage healthy cells in the body. Spinach is a powerhouse of nutrients, and one of the most beneficial cancer fighting foods, along with a potent source of energizing minerals.

There is an abundance of researches that highlight the role played by spinach in fighting and preventing bladder cancer. Spinach is brimming with a natural chemical, called chlorophyllin, which gives it a dark green colour and has been scientifically proven to cut down the risk for developing liver cancer.

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Important to Consider:

It is important to understand that anti-cancer diets or nutrient-rich supplements alone aren’t enough to prevent the damages and growths of cancer, they must be accompanied by prescribed anti-cancer medicines and treatments, such a radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

There are countless cancer survivors who have fought this chronic life-threatening disease with nutrition and anti-cancer diets, and it is essential to hear their stories to inspire and motivate oneself. However, having said that, one cannot deny that these anti-cancer nutrients cannot replace the need for traditional anti-cancer medicines and treatments. Therefore, patients diagnosed with cancer cannot rely on nutrition alone.

We strongly recommend you to make use of education resources while planning out your anti-cancer diet. We advise you to read this book: AntiCancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber.

David Servan-Schreiber was diagnosed with a brain tumour at the age of 31, which was removed with a surgical operation. Following the treatment, he began researching the association of a nutrition diet with the recurrence of cancer, and then on, he begins making several diets and lifestyle changes, which he believes are the reasons why his cancer didn’t recur.

We have listed down two more books that can aid you in creating a simple and easy anti-cancer diet with cancer-fighting superfoods and nutrients. Here, take a look:

  • Foods to Fight Cancer: Essential foods to help prevent cancer by Richard Beliveau
  • Cooking with Foods That Fight Cancer by Richard Beliveau

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